- The WAA is responsible for ensuring the completion of the CANS Comprehensive and Independent Behavioral Health Assessment (IBHA) form which will be used to confirm clinical eligibility by an independent review team.
- The WAA can choose to:
- Complete the CANS and IBHA form using the properly credentialed in-house staff.
- Contract with (and pay) an Independent Assessor to complete the CANS and IBHA form.
- Arrange with an Independent Assessor to complete the CANS and IBHA form, and to have the Independent Assessor then bill Magellan or the Healthy Louisiana Plan for that service.
To be reimbursed by Magellan for Independent Assessments, you must be an active provider in the Magellan of Louisiana network and contracted to provide this eligibility determination service and members assessed must meet eligibility requirements. See Become a Provider or Making Changes to Your Provider Agreement for step-by-step guidance on becoming a certified, credentialed & contracted provider with Magellan.
Child & Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)
Sign-in to the Magellan Provider website to access the CANS-LA on-line.
Providers trained and certified in using the CANS assessment tool may refer to the following tools:
- CANS Louisiana Manual
- CANS Louisiana Scoring Sheet
- 1915(c) Independent Behavioral Health Assessment (Revised 5/7/2014, does not replace the online submission)
The CANS certification is valid for one year, starting upon certification date, and must be renewed annually.
**Information on CANS Training & Certification can be found here for interested providers**
Informational Webinar on CANS LA
In order to better support you as a Certified Provider of the LA Comprehensive CANS assessment tool, we have recorded a series of our recent webinar presentations covering the topics of CANS, IBHA, and relevant points for agencies involved with CSoC. These presentations are intended to be viewed at your convenience, and they can be referred back to as often as you desire. A brief description follows each link highlighting the key objectives of the presentation.
Note: Google Chrome is required to access these webinars
La Comprehensive CANS and the Independent Behavioral Health Assessments (IBHA) (recorded 2/27/2013; 54:53 minutes)
- Discuss common issues and discrepancies between the LA Comprehensive CANS and IBHA Assessment
- Identify and understand the importance of referencing specific time spans in an IBHA
- Review a mock example of a CANS and IBHA Assessment
La Comprehensive CANS Technical Assistance: Wrap Around Agency (WAA) and Statewide Family Support Organization (FSO)(recorded 4/12/2013; 8:34 minutes)
- Utilizing the Caregiver Strengths and Needs Family Caregiver Domain
- Understanding how to use the modules
CANS LA Youth Risk Domain: WAA and FSO (recorded 5/15/2013; 25:05 minutes)
- Utilizing the Youth Risk Domain
- Understanding how to use the modules
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