- Magellan of Louisiana - https://www.magellanoflouisiana.com -

Role of Family Members

We can't do it without you!

Stay in touch with us. Magellan’s intention is to include the family perspective. We encourage you to share your knowledge with us to help us make services better.

We appreciate your efforts. We are here to help and support you. And, we hope that you’ll share what you have learned with us!

As a parent or family member of a service recipient, you have a big responsibility and are an important part of helping this person reach his or her recovery and resiliency goals. If you have a child, youth or adult in your life who is receiving behavioral health services, we invite you to take an active role in their care by getting involved.

In particular, you have valuable information about what care and services would be most effective for the person you know and care about. You can offer invaluable insights into the mental health care delivery system. You can help us decide what services are needed and how we can better support people who receive services and family members like you.