CSoC helps children and youth ages 5–20, who have serious mental health and substance use challenges and are in or at-risk of out-of-home placement. It also helps their families. It offers services and supports that help these youth return to or remain at home while they are being helped.
Parents/caregivers and family members have a key role in CSoC.
Parents/caregivers help Magellan decide the best services for their child. Every youth and family getting care in CSoC will work with a person who coordinates their care. This is called “wraparound facilitation.” Wraparound Agencies (WAAs) in each region support the family in planning and directing their care. The WAAs, with the parent/caregiver, youth and others develop a plan of care that provides lots of help for children and their families in the CSoC.
CSoC also has a Family Support Organization (FSO) to help you.
The FSO is staffed with trained people who are peers. They share the same experiences as parents and youth who are getting behavioral health services. The staff from the FSO offers support and help. They make sure families have a voice in their care. Call 1-800-424-4489 or 7-1-1, for individuals who are hearing impaired, and our Member Services staff will help you with information on the CSoC in your region.
A child/youth may already be receiving other mental health or substance use treatment. The following four specialized services also available to CSoC children, youth and families are:
- Parent Support and Training
- Youth Support and Training
- Independent Living / Skills Building
- Short Term Respite Care