Provider Complaints


In order to achieve a high level of member satisfaction and care, Magellan believes in providing a mechanism for providers and external agencies to express complaints or compliments related to care, service, or confidentiality. Magellan maintains processes for addressing verbal and written provider grievances.

It is important that providers follow this process for escalation of Louisiana Coordinated System of Care (CSoC) issues to ensure all concerns are handled timely by the appropriate parties.

What You Need to Do:

Submit a provider complaint by using the form below, or by calling the toll-free provider line at 1-800-424-4489.

Provider Complaints

Please include your full name

Please include your MIS Number

Please include a phone number where we can reach you

Please detail who you would like file a grievance against

Do you give consent for Magellan of Louisiana to store and process my data

What Magellan Will Do:

  • Thoroughly investigate each provider grievance using applicable statutory, regulatory, and contractual provisions, collecting all pertinent facts from all parties. Resolve concern at the time of the initial call, or involve a supervisor or designee to resolve the issue.
  • Resolve the grievance and verbally notify the provider of the disposition of the complaint and the opportunity to appeal if an adverse decision is involved.
  • Make every effort to ensure that executives with the authority to require corrective action are involved in the provider grievance process.

Read more about escalating a complaint within Magellan.

This guidance, as well as other important information for all network providers is located within our Magellan Provider Handbooks and Supplements.