For the Wraparound Agency to submit to Magellan when child/youth is transitioned or discharged out of CSoC.
For providers reporting an adverse incident occurrence.
For providers interested in becoming a Magellan Provider.
This form must accompany the Plan of Care (POC) if this service is needed
For all youths enrolling in CSoC when authorization is being made at the time of enrollment
(Spanish) For all youths enrolling in CSoC when authorization is being made at the time of enrollment
(Vietnamese) For all youths enrolling in CSoC when authorization is being made at the time of enrollment
Used when adding a service, along with the Plan of Care, after enrollment
(Spanish) - Used when adding a service, along with the Plan of Care, after enrollment
(Vietnamese) - Used when adding a service, along with the Plan of Care, after enrollment
Used to create roster of behavioral health staff
The FSO’s guide for coordinating in-person interpretation services
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